Bing Search API is moving to Windows Azure Marketplace

Dear Bing API Developer:

This is a reminder that the Bing Search API 2.0 will continue to be available until August 1, 2012.

On and after this date, Bing Search API 2.0 AppIDs will no longer return results. We encourage you to sign up for our service on the Windows Azure Marketplace to continue using the API. You can also sign up for a lower cost offering to access only web results.

If you are a high volume user who needs more queries per month than what is listed on the Marketplace, please contact us to onboard through a separate process.

To transition your application to the Windows Azure Marketplace:
  1. Sign up for the Marketplace.
  2. Read the migration guide on transitioning your application. You can expect the transition to involve targeting a new API end point, moderate changes to the request and response schemas, and a new security requirement to authenticate your application key.
  3. Subscribe to the Bing Search API and create an application key. You will not be charged for API usage until the trial period expires.
In an effort to prioritize our more frequently used services, the Phonebook SourceType and RSS endpoint will no longer be available through the Bing Search API. In addition, translation capabilities will continue to be offered through Microsoft Translator instead of through the Bing Search API.

If you have questions about these changes, please see our blog post and FAQs. For sign-up, billing, or technical questions, please contact support on the Windows Azure Marketplace.

Bing Developer Team
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